. . . but they was MEAN women . . . Description by Uncle Ricky "Old, Weird" Rod Tanner was an overnight guy at KONO/San Antonio with gags, drops, and a sidekick named Beauregard. In this aircheck from July 1970, Beauregard has been missing for three days, after an alleged kidnapping. Always loved the PAMS acapella jingles in use at this time. Using a simple slide guitar effect, and cutting between different tempos, they are reminiscent of the jingles in use at WLS/Chicago a year earlier. This aircheck was very tightly edited, and the music has been restored. One missing segue has been re-created. There's only a few seconds of news featuring Jeff Lee. The finale for this episode of Weird Rod is Story Book Time, which was a recurring feature just after 1AM when the kids were supposed to go beddy-bye. |