This composite of airchecks from KRTH was assembled from material contributed by Brandon Castillo. (Please see "Bossography Credits"). The airchecks span 1993 through 1996, but are not presented chronologically.
Included is the "Anchor Honor Reel". Brandon says he remembers putting the first
TV News Anchor blooper on cart, and that Morgan liked it so much "he played it 'til
the cart pads wore out!! ...he told all the producers to keep an ear peeled for more
screw-ups by local and national news anchors. The collection grew significantly and
I put together what he ended up naming The Anchor Honor Reel".
The final aircheck in this composite includes Robert W. and The Real Don Steele
on the air briefly, together. Brandon says this may be the only recording of
Steele and Morgan on the air together.
Included: Andrew the Gay Attorney (1994), Listener Joke (1993), K-Earth Christmas Cash, Pulpies and Gumpies, Power Rangers Giveaway (1993), Dr. Johnny Cymbal (The Big Kahuna's psychiatrist), Fred Roggin at the Superbowl (1996), Mayor annouces more cops (1994), Anchor Honor Reel, Care for Kids Radiothon (1996), Hetero Pride Parade (1993),
The Real Don Steele (1995).
Comments on this exhibit. Remembrances of Robert W. Morgan are here. |