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There are reports that instead of doing 'The Twist' at a White House party, they were really doing 'The Bristol Stomp'
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This Exhibit 'SCOPED (32:50)
[Description by Larry Ware]
At the time of this aircheck WIBG, (Wibbage) was number one in Philadelphia, and the Jerry Stevens show was voted the "most listened to radio program in Philadelphia."
"Big Bad John", the first song I remember hearing on the radio, was number one. A new, 1961 Chrysler Newport sold for $2,964.
The late-breaking news story at 40 minutes into this broadcast was a speculation over whether President Kennedy danced the latest craze, "The Twist" at a White House party that lasted until three AM.
And how many remember the comedy of Jose Jimenez (aka: Bill Dana)?
This is a superior representation of the pre-Drake/Drew, pre-Boss formatics era at WIBG.
 | Jerry Stevens, WIBG Philadelphia, November 14, 1961 |